weight tracker

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gym Pet Peeve of the Week

Upstairs at my gym, there's a small area that is designated for women only.  It has free weights and benches, but more importantly, it is the only area in the entire gym that is equipped with floor mats for things such as crunches, push-ups, and anything involving a swiss ball.

So, after finishing my cardio, I head to this area to start my lifting.  There, on the mat, are 2 teenage girls all in their hoodies, lying on the mats (there's only 1 mat with 4 small sections, they are taking up 2.5), flat on their stomachs.

At first, I give them the benefit of the doubt, thinking they might be trying some yoga and in cobra position.  I'm waiting for them to go up to downward facing dog, but, as I should have guessed, they were not doing yoga.  Maybe they were doing push-ups and resting.  Yeah, that's it!

THEY WERE TEXTING!  Now, I text all the time, but why in a gym like that?  I felt like I walked in on a slumber party I was too old to be at, it was creepy.  These 2 are lying there giggling about what boys they are texting (or sexting, barf, who knows!) in the middle of the gym, and I'm doing squats with a huge bar over my shoulders all of 2 feet away!  Since I didn't need the mats at that moment, I didn't say anything, but I glared whenever they made eye contact.  I have a mean glare, yet this did not deter them.

Eventually, a trainer came by before it was swiss ball time for me, and they went running away, giggling all the while.  Girls, save it for slumber parties.  If you're at the gym, at least exercise something besides your thumbs!

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