weight tracker

Monday, April 4, 2011

I am in love!

I have a new love in my life that completely satisfies me and leaves me feeling full of pure joy.

It's a hot pot.

While in Baltimore, I found a restaurant that served Dim Sum and your standard Chinese fair, but they also had hot pots.  I had never had a hot pot before, it sounded very appealing, so it was ordered.

A hot pot is, well, a hot pot!  It's filled with broth (we had ours arrive with half chicken broth and half spicy Szechuan broth), and served on a burner to keep it simmering at a decent rate.  We ordered chicken, spinach and vermicelli to go with it.  Out came huge plates of fresh spinach, very thinly sliced raw chicken (which may have had a slight bit of cornstarch mixed with water on it) and rice noodles.  Similarly to fondue, you cook your ingredients in the broth until they are done to your liking, and enjoy!  Hot pots don't involve skewers or forks, though.  You fish out your meal with a wire mesh spoon.

This was such a great meal!  Both of the broths were extremely flavorful, and the ingredients were so fresh.  It also turned out to be amazingly healthy, no oil or other fat source needed.  I also wasn't left feeling bloated and stuffed at the end, which usually happens after a large meal.  I ate a lot, but it was just protein and veggies.  Yummy!

I'm determined to create my own hot pot in the next few weeks.  I'm going to utilize my electric wok to house the broth.  I just have to experiment with seasonings to get the flavors right.

If you have the chance to head to a restaurant where they serve hot pots, go.  Now.  


  1. And next time I'm sure we'll look more adept!

  2. That's kinda cool... I've done the hot-pot thing with beef at Pho restaurants, but never chicken... wouldn't there be risk for salmonella?

  3. I guess if you're not careful about what utensils you are using, there might be. I made sure to only use the serving spoon for the chicken on the chicken, and we also cooked it long enough to ensure that it was cooked through. It also wasn't sitting out long enough to be of any danger. Thinking about the possibilities- I wouldn't recommend drinking and hot-potting though- could cause some issues- lol!!!
