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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Green Smoothie

I am a big fan of green smoothies, but never have actually made them myself.  I enjoy the Naked Juice Green Machine, and also a Green Smoothie Protein Powder I used to get (can't remember the brand).

I decided that I want to learn how to make my own.

My attempt for today was a combination of baby spinach, avocado, green apple, strawberries (frozen), blackberries (frozen), peaches (frozen), and agave nectar.  I was surprised that my little blender was able to handle all of the ingredients rather well!  No chunks!  After I strained out the seeds from the blackberries, it was pretty good!  I'm hoping that with summer coming closer, the fresh fruit will enhance the sweetness of the drink without adding any sort of additional sweetener in there.  The blackberries made it more of a purple smoothie, but I'm still calling it green!

I'm thinking that nice, ripe mango would taste excellent next time.  Banana, too!  Come on, summer!  I need nice fruit!!!

Have you ever made a green (or any other color) smoothie?  What do you like to put in?


  1. There's a whole movement for "green monster" smoothies- I think Angela of ohsheglows.com started it, maybe? She has awesome recipes.

    My standby is baby spinach, peanut butter, banana, almond milk, and ice. Had it almost daily while preggo for protein, iron, potassium, and folate.

  2. That sounds really good!! I think I'll try that as soon as my bananas ripen!
