weight tracker

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank You's and Issues!

I have to say that starting this blog has been such a great motivator for me.  I've received so much positive feedback from all of you, and it's kept me going when I feel like just giving up.  Thank you all for that.

I would also like to thank my friend Billy N. who was thoughtful enough to design an amazing header for this blog!  That was so nice of you!

These next few weeks are going to be rough!  I'm extremely busy, stressed, and fighting off a cold.  Back at college, I developed a nerve issue in my neck from supporting my bassoon during long rehearsals.  I would get a burning, shooting pain from my left shoulder up through my neck.  Nothing helped it but time.  It was debilitating whenever it occurred, and left me in tears.  Even though the bassoon isn't around anymore, the nerve issue struck up again!  

It started the other week in the car.  You know when you turn your head, and it snaps itself back?  Yeah, that hurts a lot.  Then it happened again a few weeks later.  Then by the end of last week, my neck thing started happening again.  I know I've been tense because I'm stressed, and I think that did it.  I haven't been using my left arm much because I don't want to aggravate it.  I tried to go to the gym yesterday and just let that arm hang while I did some cardio, but even that got it hurting, so I'm taking a few days off.  

Hopefully my busy schedule will offset my lack of exercise this week.  I'm still eating well, so that's half of the battle.  We'll see by the end of the week!

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