weight tracker

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gym Pet Peeve of the Week

Like any gym, there are many personal trainers around with clients.  Most of them appear to be very motivating and doing all of the right things, like making sure their patrons are using the proper technique, proper posture, etc.

So, a few weeks ago, I noticed a new trainer around.  She's on the younger side, seems nice enough.  My issue is with her clothing.  Now, my gym has signs all over which post the rules for working out, as well as what type of clothing is appropriate.  No jeans, only sneakers, etc.   The first time I saw this trainer, we'll call her Sally, she was in what appeared to be a cross between a wet suit and a full body leotard.  I'm sure it had some sort of benefit, and it wasn't really inappropriate, just... well... odd.

Anywho, a week passed, and I see Sally the next week.  It seems she ditched the seal outfit, and instead donned a pair of jeans, clunky belt, a cut off shirt and boots.  I'm going to assume that she was going to meet her friends at the mall after to grab a latte and window shop, because that's just how she appeared!  I couldn't believe that someone who is supposed to be showing people how to work out the right way could come to the gym wearing that.  

So, trainers, please dress how you would expect your clients to dress- like you're going to the gym, not like you are going to go chill with your BFF's.  

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