weight tracker

Monday, March 14, 2011

The dog workout!

This weekend made me so happy just thinking about things warming up a bit out there.  Saturday I was busy working, but Sunday both Chris and I were home.  The sun was out, the weather warmed up to a tolerable level.  It was time for a nice long walk with the dogs.

Now, our dogs have walking-on-a-leash issues.  They were chained up their whole lives before we got them, so they just know how to pull.  We've tried every collar-leash-contraption out there, and nothing really works.  It's not totally their faults.  They aren't at the point where one of us could walk both without being afraid of being pulled down the road, or losing one if a cat walks down the road.  Chris and I work with them whenever we do take them out together, but unfortunately, those times have been far and few between.

Until now.

We decided to take them out any day we are both home and it's bearable outside.  Hopefully during the summer Chris can work night shift like he is now, and we will have all of those morning and early afternoon hours together.  The dogs shall be walked for at least a half hour every morning (or most mornings) and they shall learn how to walk.

Until they really learn, I am using the dog walking to get a full-body workout!  My legs are getting a workout not only from walking, but also from preventing my body from falling forward.  My arms are getting a workout trying to hold back the dogs and teach them the proper position for walking next to me.  It's great!  Upper and lower body- all in one workout!  And the dogs are happier!

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