weight tracker

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The "F" Word

No, not the "F" word many of you are thinking of.  My "F" word is FAT!

I rarely, if ever, used the word fat to describe myself, mainly because it seems to carry many negative connotations such as someone who doesn't take care of themselves, or someone who is sloppy.  I was very lucky that I never really got made fun of or teased because of my weight.  I have a great personality, and I feel that no one really cared about how much I weighed.

This past weekend for some reason, I remembered the one time that someone called me fat.  I can only remember it happening this one time, and even though it was a while ago, it still bothers me a little.

It was in high school during gym class, I believe 11th grade.  We were all sitting in our spots while the teachers were taking attendance.  2 boys were talking about something, and I could overhear.  Now, they very well might have been talking about someone else, but all I heard was "yeah, she's really fat," and I assumed they were talking about me.  The boys weren't even people I cared about, I only knew one of them because we had a lot of classes together, but we weren't friends.  For some reason, that one moment stayed with me.

The fact that I remember this moment makes me really sensitive about the word "fat."  I'm officially banishing it from my life!

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