weight tracker

Monday, January 31, 2011

AM Gym = Too Much Lost Sleep!!!

So, I can't do it!  The gym in the morning just doesn't work with me.

I figured it out- waking up 2+ hours before I usually do doesn't mean I'll actually get to bed earlier.  I still go to sleep at the same time, and just end up being tired!

Here are the 2 scenarios:

Early Gym means 4:15am wake up with a 10pm bedtime resulting in 6.25 hours of sleep

Late gym means 6:00am wake up with a 10pm bedtime resulting in 8 hours of sleep

Late gym wins!!!

What I've decided to do is go to the gym at the end of the day, but plan ahead to bring something with me so I can have dinner before I get there.

For example, today I'm teaching lessons until 8:00pm.  I have a few 5 minute breaks in there, so I brought a sandwich to munch on before the gym.  Then, I figure I'll get to the gym around 8:20, spend about 45 minutes there, and get home by 9:30 the latest, resulting in a 10pm bedtime.  That, I can deal with since I won't have to wake up until 6 the next morning.

Monday is my latest day, not being done until 8.  Tuesday I'm done around 7:15, Wednesday and Thursday around 6:30, and Friday at 4:30, so it really shouldn't be that bad going in the evening.

I'm glad I gave it a try, but you will find me sleeping at 5am instead of getting my cardio on!

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