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Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's all Greek to me!

Now, you may think that being Greek, having a father who grew up in Greece and being married to a Greek man might sway my opinion, but I promise you all of those factors have nothing to do with the fact that


Lowfat or Nonfat Greek yogurt is great with a little bit of honey as a breakfast or a snack.  Don't mix the honey in, but serve it separately.  Scoop a little honey with your spoon, then the yogurt, and your tastebuds will thank you.

I have also found that I can substitute greek yogurt for sour cream in most recipes.  I despise fat-free sour cream, it just doesn't taste like anything I want to consume.  Not only does nonfat greek yogurt still taste nice and creamy since it's strained more than regular yogurt, it also packs quite a bit of protein (per 6 oz. serving, greek yogurt has 15 grams of protein as compared to regular yogurt with 9 grams). 

Conveniently, Fage (pronounced Fa-yeh!) sells prepackaged 2% greek yogurt with honey on the side.  I try to always keep these at work and at home for a grab and go breakfast or snack.

On that note, it's breakfast time!


  1. Hey Lexy - what are the fat contents of that lovely mixture??

  2. Jen,

    The convieniently packaged one contains 2.5grams of fat. Unfortunately, they don't have the same packaging with their nonfat greek yogurt.

    When I'm not in a hurry, I keep a large container of their nonfat in the fridge, scoop out 6oz. into a bowl, and put 1tbsp honey in a dipping plate on the side. Same idea, less portable, but it works!
