weight tracker

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Want big pants?

Depending on the day, I might wake up and agree with one of the following statements:

As one loses weight, there's this great thing that happens when you notice that all of your pants are too big and just look plain silly


As one loses weight, there's this horrible thing that happens when you notice that all of your pants are too big and just look plain silly

Today, I agreed with the latter.

One of our favorite commercials to laugh at has the tag line "Want big pants?" And you know what?

No!  I don't want big pants!  I want pants that fit correctly!
I also don't want to keep purchasing new pants everytime I get a little smaller.

So, this morning, after a brief frustrated freak out, I dug out old, smaller pants, and viola!  They fit!

My job for Sunday is to go through my stuff and dig out my smaller clothes so things actually fit.

On that note, I leave you after another long day.  I'm gonna go enjoy one of my favorite deserts- Chocolate Chip Meringues and Chocolate Almond Milk.  For those of you who are doing WW, 3 meringues (Miss Meringue Low-Fat Triple Chocolate) and 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk with 2 serving of Hershey's Lite syrup will satisfy the largest sweet tooth for only 5Points+.  Not too shabby in my book!


  1. Yay for smaller pants!!!
    Yay for LosingLexi (my incognito neighbor Ali)!
    Yay for yummy low cal desserts!
    Yah 'cause tomorrow is Thursday!!!

  2. I second all of those Yay's!!!

    P.S.- Lexy is a nickname that I went by during college, and therefore with my husband and his whole family and his friends. It's kinda like being bi-polar without actually having 2 different personalities. So, not trying to be incognito, it just sounded better than Losing Ali- haha.

  3. Hey, perhaps as you lose Lexy you can find Ali?! I'm so proud of you! Perhaps you can start a pants exchange here! Sizes changing daily! Thanks to you and your motivation, I've lost 5 and a half pounds this week. I really owe it to you and Mom for being so strong and empowering! Thanks. The journey continues...
