weight tracker

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weight Loss Goals

So, my husband often asks me "How much do you want to weigh in the end?"

My answer- "I have no idea!"

I have never been much thinner than I currently am since I reached my adult height sometime during my teens.  I don't know what I'll look like as I lose, although I am excited!

I don't really have a long-term weight loss goal, and I think that's okay.

Instead, I have short-term goals, and I feel like when I get to my "final" weight, I'll only know it when I actually get there.

Goal #1- Get under that darn 200lb mark.

I feel like it's my enemy.  200.  I got below it for ONE DAY in college.  ONE DAY.  199.5lbs.  That's it.

So, I'm attempting by the end of February to be out of the 200's for good!  I'm going to weigh in on Wednesday, so I'll know where I stand as of now.  Last Monday I was at 207.6, so I feel like it's quite reasonable for me to reach Goal #1.

The little kid in me likes prizes for achieving success (ooooh, a sticker!!!!!).  So, I have decided that once that darned 200 is behind me, my behind (and the rest of my body) deserves a massage.  It shall be done!

After that, most likely my goal will be continued loss in 10lb increments until, well, until I'm satisfied : )

For now, off to the gym!!!  I've got my game face on!!!
My game face, incase you were wondering!

1 comment:

  1. Be afraid, "heavy Ali," be very afraid!!!

    You can bust that 200 lb barrier - I know it!!!
