weight tracker

Monday, August 8, 2011

General Update

Overall, I'm feeling pretty great!  I'm down to wearing a size medium or large shirt (used to be XL or XXL).  When it comes to pants, I now wear a 12 or a 14 (down from 16 or 18).  I'm putting off buying new clothing, but I know I will have to before school starts.  None of my work clothing fits me anymore!  I'm going to buy a few staple pieces, so plan on me wearing the same outfit pretty often!

I still track everything I consume, even when I'd rather not admit to it!  I don't feel guilty about using my extra weekly points, but I try to avoid doing that.  I refuse to track anything on a vacation I have coming up.  I'm going to make wise decisions, but a vacation is a vacation, and I take them so rarely that I am going to enjoy it fully!

Physically, my knee is holding up.  PT ends this week, and that's fine!  I'm doing the exercising on my own, and really just use them for the massage aspect as well as the electric stimulation machines.  My knee has learned to work without being 100%, and even though I know that's not what's best for me, it's going to have to work until I'm ready to have surgery, which won't be for at least a year or two.  A brace is on it's way, and that should enable me to push myself without ending up with a swollen knee.

So, the journey continues.  I'm hoping to reaching my goal weight, or what I think my goal weight is (140 lbs) by the time I turn 28 (October 8, 2012).  45 lbs to go...

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