weight tracker

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm not happy.  I'm up even more.  192.2 lbs.  I'm angry, slightly depressed, but overly determined now to undo what I've done.  Between stress eating and delicious, fatty barbecues (OMG we make awesome ribs!) and some alcoholic beverages, I've done some damage

As I told my husband last night- "I like losing weight more than I like food."  The good feeling from losing weight lasts so much longer than the good feeling from eating a meal.  Plus, I enjoy eating healthy foods!  I've been lazy and taking the easy way out by choosing what's in front of me instead of choosing something better for myself.

It's go time people.  The school year is almost over, and I'm going to be a weight-loss machine.  Starting now, whether I like it or not!  

My plan is to have a bite of my husband's ribs (thanks!) and then move on to the chicken and veggies.  I've been slacking on stocking my house with the veggies I love, so I need to step it up.  If I want to have a drink, I'm allowing myself to have 2 drinks only one night a week.  By planning ahead, I should be able to make all of this happen!


  1. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

  2. Just watch those portions!
