weight tracker

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Body Fat

I have never measured my body fat.  Ever.  I care about how much I weigh, but I'm more concerned with being healthy and building muscle while losing fat.

This Saturday, my gym had a table set up to do calculations, so I figured why not.  They have a hand-held device that you put your height, weight, age and sex into.  Then you hold on to metal sensors, and viola, body fat percentage comes on up.  Now, it's not 100% accurate by any means, and the man helping me out says you should really do it before you eat, drink or exercise (all of those things I had already done by that point in time).  I figure some idea is better than no idea at all. 

I came up at 35%, which is a little bit high, but I'm sure it's much less than what it was a year ago.  Most of the sources I have been able to find tell me that the healthy range for someone my age and height is between 21% and 33%, so I'm not too far away from that!  They keep the measuring tool at the gym, so I'm going to measure my percentage once a month to keep track of things.  I would like to get down to the lower end of the range, maybe around 25%.  We shall see!

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