weight tracker

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weigh-In: Week 5

Current Weight: 230lbs
Weekly Loss: -3lbs   Total Loss: -11lbs
I swear, I thought I was going to have to post my first "gain" weigh-in of this go around.  I have no idea how I managed to lose 3 pounds this week!
I took a picture because I didn't believe it!

I had a rough eating week.  Started off being ravenous while PMSing, just eating whatever was around and lots of it!  Luckily, I don't have anything in my house that's really horrible, but even healthy foods aren't good in copious amounts.  I ate A LOT.  
This is my HANGRY face.  You don't want to be around my HANGRY face!!!!
I also went to visit my BFF/Soulmate this weekend, and I'm one of those people who loves to eat while driving, and I had a good 7 hour trip.  I put together a bag of healthy stuff, but also managed to consume a bag of Smartfood popcorn on my way down due to stress eating (major car issues!).  My friend is awesome, though, and made delicious food that was on the healthy side for us!  On the way back, stress eating resumed with pretzels and a bag of sour patch kids.  I didn't even want to get on the scale today.  So, yeah, I lost 3lbs  but I almost don't like that I lost weight, because it wasn't a great week.  

I'm up to 37.5 miles for April.  Still have a few days to reach my 40 mile goal, I know I'll get there!  I'm also hoping this weight loss sticks, because I really wanted to be out of the 230's by May.  We'll see what happens next week!!!


  1. So proud of you!!!! Do not beat yourself up on the stress eating. I also have certain foods I eat on a road trip. Your choices were fine. :)

    1. Thank you Carrie! I'm not angry at myself, but honestly expected to gain this week due to my bad habits!
