weight tracker

Monday, April 13, 2015

(No) Weigh-In: Week 3

So, I didn't weigh in this week, for a few reasons.  The main reason- I believe in only weighing yourself once a week max at the same time on the same scale.  I wasn't home on my weigh-in day (Sunday morning) since we spent the weekend away, so I passed on it for the week.  Sorry!

I had this past week off, and made it all about me!  Most days went like this:

8am- wake up
9/10am- yoga
12pm- cook lunch
2pm- go for a walk/jog
3pm- plan meals and go grocery shopping
5pm- cook a fantastic, healthy meal
6pm- eat dinner

I really wish I was independently wealthy so I could spend all of my time on myself!!!  It does a body good!!!  So far, I've walked/jogged 15.5 miles this month (not counting our trip- see below)!  I'm going to try and get to 40 miles by the end of April.

I originally planned to do a massive cleaning of the house from top to bottom.  I didn't clean anything (besides laundry and dishes from all of my cooking!) and that's great!  I needed to take care of me!  I got my exercise and food back on track, got my hair colored and cut (I'm in love with it!!!!) and had a relaxing, rejuvenating break!

We spent this past weekend in the city.  We had such a great time!  We walked about 9 miles on Saturday which made me feel less guilty about all of the yummy things I was eating!  We wanted to go to so many restaurants and try a million things, so Chris and I split one dish at most of the places to save calories and room for more!  It was a great plan, so happy!

One thing I noticed- we barely drank any water!!!  We were so parched.  This week, I'm thoroughly hydrating myself.  I know I'll be running to the ladies room every 5 minutes, but who cares.  I need water!!!!

So, yes, life was lived, and now it's back to reality.  Food is back on track, exercise is all planned out.  Today brought my breakfast, lunch and snacks to work, plus my workout clothing.  After work, heading to yoga but taking a solid half hour walk/jog before class begins.  I promise I'll be home to weigh-in next week!