weight tracker

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I'm back!!!

It's been a while friends!  Life is going well in general, but I can honestly say I haven't been caring about my weight at all for a very long time.  I've been eating and drinking whatever, and exercise is almost non-existent.  I haven't had the energy to even be upset by it, which is a problem, but hey, that's reality.

I have gained so much weight, and I'm at the point where I am ready to get myself back in gear.  For me, when I do anything, I put 100% of my energy into it, and I'm finally ready to do that with my food and exercise.  I'm starting in April.  
Yeah, I'm still cute, but I know this isn't healthy!

Why wait 2 weeks?

I know myself.  I need a starting point where I have no excuses.  March is extremely busy at work, I have limited time to cook and/or exercise, so if I start now I'm setting myself up for failure.  Failure = frustration = eating and being lazy.  Not good.  April starts with spring break, giving me time to collect my recipe ideas, plan out exercise, shop, etc.

I know that blogging about everything is something that really works for me, so I will be blogging here again starting in April.  I hope you can join me on this journey.  I'm older, wiser, and more fed up this time around, so I'm optimistic that I'll be successful and keep the weight off this time so I can be healthy for the rest of my life!

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