weight tracker

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weigh-In: Week 2

Current Weight: 235lbs
Weekly Loss:  -3lbs    Current Loss:  -6lbs

I feel good (da na na na na na na)..I knew that I would!

I feel so amazingly awesome this week!
My body has accepted physical activity and all the pain has stopped!  
My muscles are tight and sore, but I feel strong!
This week, I walked 9.33 miles.  I'm going to keep track from week to week.

I've been doing yoga and walking.  I do at least one of these every day, and many days I do both!  I was afraid of moving from regular yoga to vinyasa because of my back pain last week, but I went and it was awesome!  I'm also walking further and further each time I go out, adding in short bursts of jogging.  We're on the slow and steady path, so I don't want to push myself too far too fast and end up hurting something.

I know there isn't really a physical change in the pictures, but a lot of my bloated feeling has gone away.  My clothes feel good, not tight.  My stomach has gone down slightly, and I can really feel the change.

6lbs down, many to go, one day at a time!


  1. Woohoo!! I can see some change :) Keep up the great work!

    1. I totally see a change in the side picture!!!!!

    2. That's where I feel a change, too! I think I also was wearing my pants at an unfortunate point on my waist in week 1- hahaha!

  2. I definitely see a change in your stomach! YAY!

    1. :-) I don't think I realized how bloated I felt until I didn't feel that way anymore- haha
