weight tracker

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today is day #1, for the 3rd time!

I have been off my routine, as you can probably tell by my lack of posting.  I haven't been completely off, but I haven't been exercising as much as I usually do and I've only been tracking my food half of the time.  I'm sure that tonight when I weigh in I will be back over 190.  It is what it is.  My brain hasn't been in the game lately, and I'm not sure why.  

Today, it's all going to change.  I'm back in the mind-frame of putting myself first, and taking the time and steps necessary to continue on this journey.  I'm not going to let any more time go by wasted.  So far- all food tracked, meals prepared ahead of time, gym scheduled into my day even though it's going to be later than I like, it's still going to happen because it's important.  

Here's a great video shared by Mike B., a fellow WW member (who recently became a lifetime member- congrats!!!).  Simple message, important point!  Take the time to watch it, it's worth it!  And so are you!!!

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