weight tracker

Friday, January 28, 2011

You CAN have your cake and eat it, too!

One thing that never works in any weight-loss scenario is depriving ones-self of yummy goodies.  I could cut out all chocolate, but eventually I'd give in and scarf down massive amounts!

So far, I've been able to successfully enjoy whatever I wanted to as long as I limited quantity.  The other week, there was this amazing cheesecake at a shower at school.  I was literally staring it down for an hour, whenever I would walk by.  It was talking to me, seducing me with cheesecake-y goodness.

At first, I was determined to not have any.  As the day went on, it was all I kept thinking about!  So, I took a deep breath, went in, and cut myself a slice.

I brought it back to my classroom.  The first thing I did was cut it in half and throw half right in the garbage!  Wasteful, a bit, but I know that I'm not going to be tempted to retrieve it after it was near booger-filled tissues and such.  Barf.

So, I ate half a piece!  It was scrumptious!  And, I didn't derail all of my efforts to eat well.

The moral of this story is that deprivation doesn't work.  If you see your favorite cookies around, have one, not 20.  You get the satisfaction without the guilt.

I also have noticed that my memory of how delicious some foods taste is often better than the reality.  My brain may go "you want that pie," but after one bite, it's really not that great.

So, from now on, I will ask myself "is it worth it?"  If the answer is yes, then I'll have a small amount.  If the answer is no, I'll find something that is!


  1. Think you have a typo in the title of your blog - shouldn't it be
    "Loving Lexy"???

  2. Both Loving Lexy and Losing Lexy would be correct!
