weight tracker

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Frozen Dinners

Now, I really don't like frozen dinners, but sometimes it's better than ordering a huge beef burrito or grabbing some fast-food burgers in my opinion.

After a 14.5 hour day, the last thing I want to do when getting home after 8pm is start cooking dinner.  All of my pre-made food was being eaten for lunch, so I don't want the same thing for dinner.  I would have loved to get some chicken and broccoli, but my favorite Chinese restaurant is closed for repairs, and I'm too picky to try a new place.  If it sucks, I'll be pissed for wasting food and money!  Not to mention I tend to always overeat when I have Chinese.

I was at the grocery store getting some fresh veggies, and wandered over to the frozen food aisle.  Off to the "healthy meal" section I go!  Now, I don't do frozen cooked seafood.  Never reheats well.  Also not a fan of turkey, or anything trying to be italian.  Despite high sodium, I tend to lean towards Asian food when it comes to frozen meals.

My choice for the evening was a Lean Cuisine Lemongrass Chicken meal.  Looked somewhat appealing, 6 WW Points+, and I was HUNGRY.

Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Considering that it was late, I didn't want a large meal, so it was a good size (I would have supplemented it with soup or a salad if I were eating at a normal dinner hour).  The chicken actually tasted like chicken in both taste and texture.  The sauce was enjoyable.  It was a bit salty, but I expected that.  Overall, my least favorite part of this meal were the noodles.  I can't pinpoint what about them, but something about them wasn't living up to my expectations.  They weren't bad, just not great.

I hope to not have to resort to meals like this too often (not just for nutritional reasons, but almost $5 for about $1.50 worth of food?  Meh).

At least now I have something that I can grab and know I will enjoy it.

It tasted better than it looks!

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